1)✅ Download “Telegram” App, then Join the Team chat:  HERE

2)✅ Follow Team Instagram:  @FFLvictorylap

3)✅ Text the word “FFL” to

(833)733-3759 for team updates!


✅ Complete FFL ACADEMY

Comprehensive FFL BOOTCAMP (free with discount code!)

**You will have a Release Presentation with your Upline and/or Team Manager after completion of Training.

*This is probably the most critical step to blast off your career (Training is FREE with Discount Code: SKYPOINT-FFL94P). The Bootcamp series was shot by our very own Hall-of-Fame Producer and Millionaire Integrity partner, STEVEN YEE!

  • In this Bootcamp, Steven will extensively walk through every phase of the business. He lays out the blueprint of how he went from nothing (living in his mom’s apartment) to building a 7-figure business right here with Family First Life!

  • Pay attention and take copious notes; you will use this FFLacademy as the foundation of your business. Click the button below and use the code to begin!

✅PRINT / SAVE  All FFL Documents

Learn the System, & Get Paid.

This business is very simple.

You just have to get really good at three things:

  1. Get comfortable Investing/Reinvesting in LEADS

  2. Get good at setting APPOINTMENTS

  3. Use Financial Inventory to CLOSE the deal.

  • Watch the videos, click the topic links, and take copious notes ALL THE TIME.

  • Treat your first 100 appointments as practice & get through them as fast as possible.

“10 hours in the field is worth more than 100 hours in the classroom”

Tips on Buying Leads:

🔥THE MOST ASKED QUESTION EVER: “Which type of leads & how many Leads should I get?

*THE ANSWER: Don’t be afraid to grow; get 120+ leads for dial days from aNYWHERE that’s legal and TCPA compliant.

After you get your leads, call them precipitously.

ALWAYS Remember: they are your clients...not friends.

  • It doesn’t matter if you purchase your leads from the ILC, from one of our 10+ trusted lead vendors, or if you learn how to self-generate your own leads from an online platform... just get in front of people! 😁

✅ Leads follow the “Law of large numbers”; you will 3 - 5x your investment on leads if you work them properly. Treat your leads like the dough in a Pizza Shop: Without the dough… you can’t make pizzas.

✅ Strive to get at least 100 leads- or better EVERY dial day (about $500 +/- per batch). The more leads you have to work with- the better the odds. Diversify your lead type & “stack the deck in your favor”.

  • If you can’t afford to spend that much for your first batch of leads, reinvest your initial commissions into your business again to flip your earnings. It only takes a few policies from your sphere of influence (friends, family, coworkers, neighbors…etc) to have the initial investment income.

  • If you do this right, you will “only have to pay for leads once” and play with the “house money”.

  • What’s the Secret?? -Learning how to reinvest in yourself and your business.

    • Consistent WEEKLY “New Lead Flow” is the only way to scale your business to desired levels.

  • When starting, DON’T BE AFRAID of aged leads. It’s a source of abundance while building your initial start-up capital.

  • “If you can control your Consistent Lead Flow… then you can control your Consistent Cash Flow.

Remember: you are investing in your family, your business, and your clients. This is not a purchase; leads are a business investment.


  • Protect your dial days and dial hours (Start at 7:30am)

  • Eliminate all distractions and get your mind right before dialing.

  • Making up your bed, Journaling, Meditation, and Personal Development books are all excellent ways to start your day off right.

  • Have the PHONE SCRIPTS and OBJECTION HANDLING in front of you while dialing (until it becomes second nature).

  • Record yourself setting appointments so you can hear your strengths & weaknesses… then learn from them.

  • Full-time agents aim to book 15 appointments for the following two days

    • DON’T OVERANALYIZE! Jump right in!

    • You're supposed to get your butt kicked when you first start. This is not forever. You will eventually master your skills.

    • Grow fast and get uncomfortable for a short period of time. Don’t be afraid to learn from your previous mistakes.

  • You have to have a BURNING DESIRE TO GET BETTER.

  • Use the FFL Dial Tracker during your dial session.

  • 400+ calls a day is considered full-time. (about 50 an hour hand-dialing & triple dialing)

  • Make sure to “Cement the Appointment” after confirming the date and time. (Explained in detail on the Phone Script page).

-Get on the team Zoom during call day to hear other people overcome objections live! EVERYDAY ON: FFLhomeoffice.com


Every presentation follows the same foundational steps!

  • Absorbing different agents’ points of view will help you in the long run.

  • Your presentation starts before you walk out of your car.

  • Treat your first 100 appointments as practice. Rush through them & learn.

  • Regardless of what happened to you yesterday, earlier that day, or in the last appointment… Always give every client the best version of you in every appointment.

  • When walking into an appointment, be sure to give a bright smile and proper handshake at the door

  • Respect tip: Before you walk in, Ask the client, “Do you want me to keep my shoes on or off?” (Build rapport upfront)

  • Find a place to write; typically request to go to the kitchen table for professionalism

    • Business is done on tables, not couches.

  • Explain to the client “who you are” and “what you do” using the Credibility Sheet

  • Use FFLquote.com to find a quote based on the carrier.

  • Make sure to fill out the ENTIRE Financial Inventory: organized knowledge is power.

    **After you fill out the Financial Inventory & collect the list of prescribed medications, SEND A GROUP TEXT MESSAGE to your Uplines for more assistance on which policy to write.

 What should you bring inside of a home?

  1. iPad (Preferred Device) Tablet, Notebook to Sign e-apps

  2. Hotspot on your phone or tablet device for internet access (important)

  3. Print these: Credibility Sheet & Financial Inventory

  4. Links to Carrier Quoting Tools bookmarked

  5. Business Cards (optional)

  6. Product Brochures (Free: order from each carrier individually)

  7. Appointment Lead print out (recommended)

  8. State License or badge with lanyard (optional, but also recommended)

Product Knowledge importance is less than 5% of this business.

It’s all reference-based.

  • After you receive your writing numbers, log in to each carrier’s back office and save your usernames/passwords in a safe yet accessible place.

  • PRO TIP: It’s important to have your usernames/passwords set up with each electronic application/carrier you work with BEFORE you sit with your first client.

  • Within your first several appointments: SEND A PICTURE OF YOUR FULL FINANCIAL INVENTORY to your uplines and ask questions in the telegram app.

  • Use FFLQUOTE.com to find a quote after your uplines/telegram suggests which carrier to use for that particular client.

  • A lot of carriers have demo apps, or “sandboxes,” where they allow you to use the application with fake information so you can get the hang of it. Generally speaking, every E-app is very simple and gets easier with time.



Your Personal Race to Hall-of-Fame!!

🌟 🏁Stay active:

-⭐️ Reach out to your uplines during your first 100 appointments and run them as soon as you possibly can.

-⭐️ Use the Live Dial Day ZOOM everyday during dial times so you can call virtually with the team

-⭐️ Active in the Team Telegram Chat (ask questions!)

-⭐️ Post your sales in TELEGRAM and cheer on your teammates with emojies!

-⭐️ DAILY Training Calls You are never too good to learn from someone else.

  • Live ZOOM TRAINING CALLS every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.

  • Shawn Meaike streams live on Facebook and Instagram every Friday

🌟 🏁Stay Committed:

-⭐️ TAKE EVERY DAY SERIOUSLY. Treat this as a job until it pays you as a business.

-⭐️ The only person that will stop you from hitting your goals… is you.

-⭐️ You can have a bad day, even a bad week… but if you put your head down and work it’s impossible to have a bad month.

-⭐️ Make a weekly schedule and stick to it. Protect your dial days and your run days.

-⭐️Don’t be afraid to invest in yourself. When you make money use a good portion to reinvest in next week’s success.

-⭐️Treat your first 100 appointments as practice. Get through them AS FAST AS POSSIBLE and learn from every home.

🌟🏁 Grow Everyday!

-⭐️Don’t be afraid to build an agency from day one. You can grow WITH your teammates, and learn with synergy.

-⭐️ The TOP (Hall-of-Fame) Producers spend $1,500 - $2,000+ a week on leads. It’s not as scary when you put the book in your favor and 3-5x your investment.

-⭐️The more active you stay on the team dials, the faster you will learn. Accelerate your success by having more appointments every week.

-⭐️ Start believing in yourself so others will believe in you. Get a gratitude book; write down things you are grateful for daily. Good things happen to good people.

-⭐️ Be excited to be blessed to wake up another day! If you in a tight situation, you have the capability to get out of it… if you try!

-⭐️ STICK TO THE SYSTEM. There is a reason why there are $400,000+ producers in every state. There is no reason why you can’t get a Hall-of-Fame Red Jacket of your own!

Watch your Growth in Just One Year!

365 Days Can Change Everything!

Family First Life



🏁 LET’S GROOWW!!!! 🔥🚀

**If you haven’t already, use the Agency Resources at the top of the menu for a deeper breakdown of each topic. Also, make sure to build a relationship with your uplines: Steven and Arthur are always here to assist!